Creating a Table of Contents with JavaScript for Your Webpage

In this blog post, I'll walk you through how-to create a Table of Contents for your web page using JavaScript.

Creating a Table of Contents with JavaScript for Your Webpage
Photo by Aaron Burden / Unsplash

When it comes to enhancing user experience and improving the navigation of long web pages, one handy feature you can add is a Table of Contents (TOC). A TOC provides readers with an easy way to jump to different sections of your content quickly. In this blog post, I'll walk you through how-to create a Table of Contents for your web page using JavaScript.

Why a Table of Contents?

A Table of Contents is especially useful for lengthy articles, tutorials, or documentation. It allows your readers to:

  1. Navigate Easily: Quickly find and jump to the section they are interested in.
  2. Understand Structure: Get an overview of the content's structure and hierarchy.
  3. Improved User Experience: Enhance user experience by providing a helpful navigation aid.

The JavaScript Code

To create a Table of Contents dynamically based on headings in your HTML content, you can use JavaScript. Below is the JavaScript code you can use:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    const headings = document.querySelectorAll("h1[id], h2[id], h3[id], h4[id], h5[id], h6[id]");
    if (headings.length > 0) {
        const tocContainer = document.createElement("div");
        tocContainer.className = "toc-container";

        const tocHeading = document.createElement("h2");
        tocHeading.textContent = "Table of Contents";

        const tocList = document.createElement("ul");

        headings.forEach((heading) => {
            const tocItem = document.createElement("li");
            const tocLink = document.createElement("a");
            tocLink.textContent = heading.textContent;
            tocLink.href = "#" +;

        document.body.insertBefore(tocContainer, document.body.firstChild);

How It Works

  1. DOMContentLoaded Event: The code begins by listening for the DOMContentLoaded event, ensuring that the script runs once the document is fully loaded.
  2. Selecting Headings: It selects all the headings (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6) in the HTML content that have id attributes.
  3. Creating the TOC: If there are headings with id attributes, the code creates a TOC container, heading, and an unordered list.
  4. Looping Through Headings: For each heading, it creates a list item (li) and a link (a) with the heading text and a link to the corresponding section using the href attribute.
  5. Inserting TOC: Finally, the TOC is inserted at the beginning of the body element.


You can customize the appearance of the TOC by adding CSS styles to your liking. The provided code generates a simple TOC with links, but you can modify it to match the design of your website.

Download the JavaScript, and sample HTML and CSS files on Gumroad.

Adding a Table of Contents to your web page can greatly improve the user experience, making it easier for readers to navigate your content. With this JavaScript code, you can dynamically generate a TOC based on your headings, enhancing the accessibility and usability of your website. Try it out on your long-form articles or documentation to provide a more user-friendly reading experience.